Caso Thermomix vs Lidl: estimado el recurso interpuesto por la cadena de supermercados alemana
El pasado 19 de enero se produjo un importante cambio [...]
BUSINESS SECRETS ACT: Questions and Answers
On 13 March 2019, just over a year ago, the [...]
LLEI DE SECRETS EMPRESARIALS: preguntes i respostes
El passat 13 de març de 2019, fa poc més [...]
At this moment the ICANN (American non-profit organization responsible for [...]
En l’actualitat la ICANN (Organisme estatunidenc sense ànim de lucre [...]
THE VARIABILITY OF GOOD COSTUMES: Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Fifth Chamber) of 27 February 2020. Case C-240/18-P. Word mark «Fack ju Göhte».
THE VARIABILITY OF GOOD COSTUMES: Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Fifth Chamber) of 27 February 2020. Case C-240/18-P. Word mark «Fack ju Göhte».
THE VARIABILITY OF GOOD COSTUMES: Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (Fifth Chamber) of 27 February 2020. Case C-240/18-P. Word mark «Fack ju Göhte».
In this case it is analyzed whether or not the [...]